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Family Involvment


We encourage families to become involved.  Family/school partnerships have been found to have very positive benefits for children's educational success.  


Families provide a nutritious snack on a rotating basis for the entire class 2-3 times a year.  A snack calendar and snack requirements are distributed the summer before the school year begins. 


Families visits are encouraged for a special project, for snack, read alouds, or for field trips.   You may visit at any time, unannounced.  

Work Responsibilities
While participation is strongly encouraged, we also must be clear that some family involvement is a requirement of your child's enrollment at Evergreen Preschool. Each family will be assigned a work responsibility for the year.  This not only helps keep the school's operational costs as low as possible but also offers families a sense of pride and ownership in Evergreen's mission.  

Families are expected to contribute substantially to fundraising activities throughout the year.  This is above and beyond the work contribution. Fundraising dollars are used to support classroom enrichment, scholarships, and is used towards capital improvements.  Most years, Evergreen Preschool holds a spring raffle.


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