Community Resources for Families in Addison County
At Evergreen Preschool, we understand that families may need support navigating available community resources. Below is a list of local services that can help support children and families in Addison County. If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to contact the Program Director at Evergreen at 802-877-6702 or Evergreenpreschoolvt@gmail.com for guidance and suggestions.
Vermont 2-1-1
Vermont 2-1-1 is an excellent resource that can connect you with nearly any service or support you may need.
Special Education Services
ANWSD (Vergennes area): Addison Northwest Early Education Program
MAUSD (Bristol area): MAUSD Early Education
ACSD (Middlebury area): ACSD Early Education
Finding Childcare
Mary Johnson ~ Ginny: Finding Childcare
Vermont Childcare Lynx: Vermont Childcare Lynx
Bright Futures
Paying for Childcare
Mary Johnson ~ Paying for Childcare: Paying for Childcare
Child Health:
Vermont Natural Family Health- Salisbury
Rainbow Pediatrics- Middlebury
Middlebury Pediatric Dentistry
Mental Health Services:
Counseling Service of Addison County
Children's Integrated Services (CIS) at Parent Child Center
Women, Infants and Children - WIC program
Other Services:
HOPE - Middlebury
Department of Children and Families
Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity